Contact Spitting Pig Rutland

We couldn’t make it easier for you to contact Hog Roast Crowland, on this page you’ll be able to see quick and simple ways to do so. The first being via the contact form, fill in all the details we need, including number of guests, location of event and your email address, our team will then generate a quote for your event which will be sent via email. If you have a larger question to ask or want us to create a bespoke menu then Hog Roast Crowland would recommend you send us an email via If it’s not convenient for you to contact us online then pick up the phone and give us a call, one of our friendly team members will answer any questions you may have, and also get a quote sent out the same day.

Hog Roast CrowlandIf you have more than one event in mind or if you need to make a change to the menus we already have, then we are more than happy to send out several quotes, for no extra charge. Hog Roast Crowland want to make sure that you have the most perfect party or event, no matter your location, menu or the weather.

We are here to help, we can cater for as many people as you need, outdoors or indoors and for a variety of different occasions and themes. A hog roast is perfect for weddings, christenings, birthday parties and more, and we can even cater for your vegan/vegetarian guests. We want to make sure our food is just as memorable as the event itself, for every guest.

So wherever in Rutland you are based, or even if you happen to be further afield, we are here to help you with tasty affordable food and even better service – from your first point of contact to us preparing, cooking and serving your food, to the end of your event when we clean everything away.